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Studebaker M15A-20 "Mr. Potato Head"

Friday, February 10, 2017


I finally perfected the assembly of the ignition condenser. I got tired of replacing the condenser because of terrible manufacturing so I decided to "can" a high quality capacitor. Here is a list of materials:

1. Capacitor, .22 uF, 850 VDC,
2. Brass tube, 21/32" OD, 0.628" ID,
3. Brass Sheet, 0.032", 260,
4. Rubber sheet, 1/8", Buna-N,
5. Wire, Black, stranded, 22 AWG
6. Terminal, Spade, Side entry
7. Flat copper braid

 Start by cutting the tube to proper length

 De-burr the inside edge

 Using a small socket as a guide, mark brass sheet for end cap

 Cut end cap out

 End cap cut out

Round up the end cap to fit into the tube end
 Test fir end cap

 Using template, mark out the mounting tab

 Cut out the mounting tab

 Mounting tab cut out

 Shaping mounting tab

  Using an automatic center punch mark where holes are to be drilled

 Mounting tab drilled, test fitting in a distributor

Rounding edge of mounting tab to conform to tube
 Setup ready for brazing mounting tab to tube

Mounting tab brazed to tube using silver brazing rod
 Brazing ground smooth

 Preparing plumbers lead free solder

Solder ring installed in tube and slathered with flux

 End cap installed

 View of solder ring ready to be heated

 View in the tube showing the solder flow

 Tube ready for assembly

 Capacitor ready for leads to be trimmed

 Attaching ground strap

 Ground strap soldered

 Attaching hot lead

 Hot lead soldered

 Soldering the ground strap inside of the tube

 Cutting the end seal

 End seal cut

Drilling lead hole in end seal
 Test fitting end seal

 Masking external surfaces and applying weatherstrip sealant to inside both ends of the tube

 Assembled capacitor and end seal

  Comparing spade lug width. Could not purchase correct side lugs so I had to trim them in the belt sander

Capacitance test and HV leakage test

 All done!!